When Should You Discuss Higher Education With Children?

Young Graduate

Many parents have a dream that their children will be able to achieve a higher level of education than they did, or at least be able to go to college and enjoy a career that excites them. It is never too early to discuss higher education with children. However it is important that you do not pressure your kids to do exactly as you did. When you present higher education in a positive light, your children will be able to see that pursuing a bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree is a goal worth their while.

Dreaming About Being a Grown-up

Toddlers and preschoolers like to pretend to have certain jobs. Kids love to imagine being doctors, teachers, and astronauts. When you hear your children discussing these future careers, ask them how they think people become that profession. Explain what college is and what it takes to become a professional such as a doctor. You can use simple terms that kids understand and describe the amount of time that it takes to learn these professions.

Talk about Careers

As children enter school, they will learn about different subjects of study, such as math and science. They will go on field trips and meet professionals such as zoo keepers and veterinarians. Your kids will begin discussing what they want to be when they grow up and why. Here’s another great time to discuss higher education with your kids.

Advanced Learning

Another great way to discuss higher education with your kids is by enrolling in a program yourself. Some programs, like online master’s of public administration programs could help you advance in your own career. This would be a great way to show your children how earning an advanced degree can help expand knowledge and achieve career goals.

Discuss Future Dreams

Talking with your child about his or her dreams for life is a great time to discuss higher education. Explain how achieving an advanced degree can help your child follow their dreams. You can also explain how college helps people meet other goals, such as traveling and learning about other cultures.

By presenting higher education as a goal to achieve, your kids will be more likely to look forward to the experience. You can introduce your kids to different professionals and have them talk about what they liked the most about college. These discussions will set the stage for your children to have a great educational adventure.