Snuggle up with Mother Earth and Sleepy Solar System for a Bedtime Story


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Doug Cenko is the talented illustrator of the book, Sleepy Solar System. He took his characters to a whole new level by turning them into adorable custom plushies with the help of Budsies.

Children’s Book Celebrates the Wonders of Outer Space

sleepy solar system plush
Image via @dougcenko

“It’s been a long, busy day in the starry Milky Way. Sleepy, setting Sun calls out, ‘Bedtime, everyone…'”

This imaginative children’s book combines adorably written rhymes and charming illustrations to create an enchanting story about Mother Earth and her solar system friends.

You’ll learn how each planet gets ready for bed. Mother Earth putting in her cloud curlers and the slightly grumpy Mars trying to wash the red “from his rusty, dusty head.” It’s a lovely way to wind down and get ready for bed. It even includes a map and facts about space. The book will inspire your kids to reach for the stars in their dreams.

Sleepy Solar System Comes to Life as Plushies 

Mother Earth joined Doug at his book signing! She was a great helper (but oh, so sleepy).

sleepy solar system
Image via @dougcenko

Mother Earth and Grumpy Mars stopped in at Starbucks for a little coffee break to try and wake up a bit. But they got Grumpy Mars’ name wrong! He was not pleased. #GrumpyMarv

book character plushies
Image via @dougcenko

We caught Mother Earth buying another copy of the book online. Guess you can’t have too many! You can get your own copy hereSleepy Solar System is such a fun ‘read aloud’ nap-time or bedtime book, and a great way to celebrate Earth Day! We’re happy we got to bring the characters to life.

If you’d like to bring your own book character to life, you can learn more at