Figurines Order Form

Estimated Delivery : 5-7 Weeks

Please Note: If you have two people in a photo, you must place a unique Figurines order for each person.

Step 1

Upload Your Photo

Please upload a full body photo, side view and back view, so our designers can accurately design your 3D Figurines

Don't have your photos? You can finalize your order and send them to us later.

You may provide up to 3 photos
Read our photo tips!

Step 2

Customize Your Figurines

Please provide a description of the photo to help us most accurately create the Figurines. Features, colors, clothing, accessories, and even mood are all helpful

Skin Tone

Hair Color

Eye Color

Step 3

Enter your email address

Sometimes our team has questions about your design

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I agree to Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Refund Policy. I understand that Budsies happily takes care of all tears, defects, and shipping damage with either a refund or a repair.