Budsies Puppets Order Form

Estimate Delivery: 8-9 Weeks

 Gift Cards are also available for immediate gifting!

Step 1

Upload Your Artwork

Please order each unique design as a separate Budsies Puppets.

Don't have your photos? You can finalize your order and send them to us later.

Step 2

Describe Your Budsies Puppets

Please provide as much direction as possible to help us understand the artwork.
Features, colors, & even mood are all helpful

Step 3

Upgrade Your Budsies Puppets (optional)

Make your Budsies Puppets even more special with these common add-ons

Step 4

Enter your email address

Sometimes our team has questions about your design

Have more designs? Save with

Quantity Discounts

I agree to Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Refund Policy. I understand that Budsies happily takes care of all tears, defects, and shipping damage with either a refund or a repair.